
Project Overview: Pathways for innovation in Blood Transfusion Systems in Kenya (PITS Kenya)
UG3 Protocol (Principal Investigators: Dr. Juan Carlos Puyana & Dr. Pratap Kumar)
Evaluating the gaps in the availability of safe blood for patients with severe anemia and hemorrhagic conditions in Kenya: A mixed methods study in three distinct county settings (Bloodsafe-Kenya)
UH3 Protocol (Principal Investigators: Dr. Juan Carlos Puyana & Dr. Pratap Kumar)
Studying Transfusion Committees for Improving Blood Availability in Kenyan Hospitals: A type III hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial to establish, enable and assess the function of Community-Facility Transfusion Committees (CFTCs) incorporating diverse representation involving hospital, community, and county leadership, to improve blood availability and transfusion at the point-of-care. (Bloodsafe-Kenya)
Institution: Strathmore University (Nairobi, Kenya)
Collaborators: University of Pittsburgh, and Center for Public Health and Development in Nairobi, Kenya